I have booked a COMPLIMENTARY TASTER CLASS, what should my child wear?

We recommend you bring your child in something they are comfortable and can move in, for example leggings and a t-shirt with trainers. For some dance styles students will be asked to take off their shoes and socks and dance barefoot so please make sure they are not wearing tights and skirts. Also please make sure you send your child with a bottle of water! Don’t worry though, you will receive a confirmation email when you book your COMPLIMENTARY TASTER CLASS with all the details you need!

If you decide to join classes we can help you with purchasing dance wear/shoes and uniform at our online shop when you are ready!

Who will NT Dance House classes work for?

Any child that wants to have fun learning to dance, make friends, build confidence and keep fit will benefit from attending our classes. We specialise in working with children from ages 18 months upwards whether they have danced previously and want to push their skills to the next level or if they are new to dance.

What makes you different to other dance teachers and dance schools out there?

At NT Dance House we believe that all children no matter what their ability or previous experience should have the chance to experience and find their love for dance. We do not focus on who is the best dance dancer in a class, we focus on each individual student and what they can achieve for themselves. We get to know each child individually and help them to develop as a dancer in their own way. We take great pride making sure our students follow professional standards and progress but at the same time have fun and build confidence.

Will my child learn how to dance in all styles?

This is your choice! WE offer a variety of dance styles for all ages and your child can choose the styles they want to learn weather that is just one style or every style! For more information on all the styles we offer please take a look at our ‘Getting Started’ page.

Other schools do not limit their class numbers, why do you?

We limit our class numbers to 15 students to make sure all children get the attention and experience they deserve from the teacher. It also allows our teacher to get to know each student individually and work on progressing on their specific targets within class. It’s a great number to make sure we have an energy and buzz in the class and the opportunity for everyone to make friends!

Does my child have to take part in exams, competitions and dance shows?

Absolutely not! We do offer Graded Examinations and Performance Medal Tests through IDT and BATD and the opportunity to take part in competitions across the county however they are completely optional. We produce a Dance Showcase every 18 months and although we do encourage all our students to take part again this is optional. We believe this is a great experience to celebrate being part of NT Dance House and to show family and friends the achievements the children have made. It’s an opportunity to perform in a safe and friendly environment and meet new friends from other classes as well as being so much fun!

My child has attended dance classes before and didn’t really enjoy them. Should he / she try again?

YES – every dance school and class is different and you may find a different environment, teacher or dance style will make all the difference! We stronger recommend you try a dance class again, we hope that our classes will be right for you and your child so they can be inspired and learn from our teachers who love to dance and pass on their knowledge and skills. Please head over to our ‘Success Stories’ page to see what experiences others have had and how they have benefited from our classes.

My child is very shy, I’m worried they will not take part in the COMPLIMENTARY TASTER CLASS?

Please do not worry, some children take a little longer to get used to things than others. If you child attends and finds it difficult to take part we will ask them if they want to watch instead so they can get a feel for the class. If they then want to come back and take part in a COMPLIMENTARY TASTER SESSION we can arrange this.

One of our main focuses is to develop confidence and self-belief in our students. We work with each child and teen to ensure they feel welcomed and their experience is positive one. Please head over to our ‘Success Stories’ page to see what experiences others have had and how they have benefited from our classes.

How long do your classes last for?

All of our adult classes are an hour long. Our kids classes vary from 30 mins to an hour depending on the age group.

Do your classes run all year round?

Our Adult classes run all year round apart from the Christmas period and over Easter Bank holiday. Our children’s and teens classes run in line with the school terms however we often have holiday camps that your children and teens can attend to keep up their dancing while they are not at school.

How much are your classes?

The cost of classes varies depending on what classes and the number of classes you sign up for, When you attend your COMPLIMENTARY TASTER CLASS you will be given a breakdown of the different packages you can invest in.

As an adult I have never danced before but want to try something new – are your classes appropriate for me?

Yes! We offer classes at different levels and no matter what experience you have had we will find a class to suit you!

I used to dance when I was younger and want to start classes again – have you got classes that will suit my needs?

Yes! WE have lots of Adult students who have come back to dancing for a number of reason, fun, fitness or they simply miss dancing! If you want to go back to basics you can try out a beginner’s class otherwise our Intermediate classes will suit you. Why not try out both levels to work out which class you prefer!

I think my child / teen / I would love your classes but I have a few more questions, can I contact you?

Of course, please email me at ntdancehouse@outlook.com or call / text me on 07535 680321 and I will be happy to have a chat and answer any of your questions!

Claim Your Complimentary Kids or Adult Taster Class

To claim your complimentary Adult or Kids taster class simply click on the button below and then choose your taster on the next page.